Finding Foods
Mammals use many different strategies to find food. Some mammals are hunters, while others are scavengers and dine on leftovers. some migrate in search of food and others hoard food for winter. Mammals eat almost anything, from plants to other mammals. Vampire bats live on blood, echidnas eat ants and a pack of wolves will eat a moose or other large mammal. The amount of food a mammal eats varies greatly. Very small mammals cannot store much energy and warmth inside their bodies. Because they lose energy quickly, they have to eat a lot of food. A shrew, for example, must eat more than its own body weight every day or it will freeze to death. Strangely enough, the largest mammal-the whale-also eats large amounts of food. This is because it grows quickly (a newborn blue whale gains about 200 lb [90 kg] every day!) and because it has to swim long distances in search of food.
Desert Dining
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- Gerenuks feeding on the leaves of prickly bushes - |
The gerenuk, or giraffe-gazelle, lives in eastern Africa. It is so well adapted to life in the desert that it never needs to drink. With the help of its long neck, it gets enough moisture from the tender leaves of prickly bushes and trees.
First Sitting
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- Hyena pack eating a carcass - |
Hyenas are scavengers during the day and wait to feed on animals killed by lions. At night, however, they become hunters themselves!
Filtering Through
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- Baleen Whale - |
Baleen whales have long, fringed plates of horny baleen instead of teeth. They filter hundreds of 2 inches (5 cm) long shrimp called krill through the baleen and trap them inside their mouths.
- fringed plates of horny baleen of Baleen whale -
- Small shrimp called Krill -
Saving Up
Squirrels collect nuts and hide them in hollow trees. They save them to eat during long winters and to have a supply of food ready for the spring.
On the Move
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- herd of raindeers migrating to find food - |
Many plant eating mammals migrate to where their food in plentiful. Raindeer in the Arctic travel away from the snow in search of fresh green grass.
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